I took the plunge & got a website - it will be nice to have a professional way to share proofs with my clients. Please feel free to take a look, check for typos, and give me any CC you can! You can link to my website on the right-hand side of my blog or just leave out the word "blogspot" and it is the same address as this page. Many thanks, Kerri
I have been without internet at home since Saturday!!! It is driving me insane!!! And I still have not learned how to manipulate the photoshop!!! Am I that dumb? Anyway... you site looks great!!!
No, Danielle, Photoshop is at times more difficult than brain surgery:-) Send some questions my way and I will try to talk you down from the ledge!
I can't believe that I haven't had the time to do the photoshop thing!!! Be patient with me...questions are coming... probably over the break when I have time!!!
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