Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Holidays

I cannot believe that Christmas is almost here (still most of my shopping to do!). Last day of classes with my students tomorrow (although really keeping my fingers crossed for the STORM we just may get:-). I made a Christmas card this year even though I entirely failed to get a decent pic of the girls for it...they never cooperate with me...This is the shot we used nonetheless - Camden has her typical squint while Reagan is just praying it all ends soon.

Merry Christmas all!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Website Launch

I took the plunge & got a website - it will be nice to have a professional way to share proofs with my clients. Please feel free to take a look, check for typos, and give me any CC you can! You can link to my website on the right-hand side of my blog or just leave out the word "blogspot" and it is the same address as this page. Many thanks, Kerri