So several of my coworkers and I went to the highly anticipated "Twilight" this evening. I was not disappointed. Not to say there were not things I would have done differently, things I thought were missing, or acting that was a bit off...but overall, I was happy (I giggled like a 13 year old...on the inside anyway:-). It is a daunting task to bring these characters to life, to be sure. But it was fun. The twitter and giggles of the teens in the room was hilarious....and our thirty year old husbands were troopers to be there (especially those who suffered through the "chick lit" to see what all the hype was about (kuddos to Adam and Mike...Mike incidentally was asked by his brother on the phone while AT "Twilight", "Does mom know you're gay?"). "Twilighters should be pleased with the results.